According to the data provided by India Meteorological Department-Hyderabad (IMD-H), the city has received largely deficient rainfall for the last two weeks. As per the data recorded at various Automatic Weather Stations (AWS), the city received deficient rainfall of 73 per cent from June 1 to 15.
Against the normal rainfall of 52.5 mm during the season up till now, Hyderabad received 14.1 mm showers – about 38.4 less.
While some areas including Khairatabad, Ameerpet, Shaikpet, Golconda, Nampally, and Himayatnagar have received “largely” deficient rainfall, Asif Nagar and Charminar received
deficient rainfall. Amberpet and Musheerabad have received the lowest rainfall since June 1, 2022. Both the areas have witnessed 75 per cent and 73 per cent deficient rainfall respectively.
Almost all the districts in Telangana have also been experiencing deficient rainfall since the start of June. Only Kamareddy, Mahabubnagar, and Nalgonda received normal rainfall while Nagarkurnool and Wanaparthy received excess rainfall.
IMD showed that Telangana, as a whole, received 32.8 mm of rainfall from June 1 to June 15 against a normal of 54.9 mm.