The Hyderabad traffic police on Friday seized the two-wheeler of a man who was found with 92 pending challans for the last seven years in connection with various traffic violations in the city.
The total amount he was due to pay to the traffic police department for his traffic violations was Rs 25,250. Vikas Kumar was caught during a routine vehicle check at Kushaiguda. He was caught driving his Honda Activa vehicle without wearing a helmet.
police seized his vehicle and served a notice on him to pay the penalty along with interest. As per the Motor Vehicles (MV) Act, the police can impound vehicles with over 10 unpaid challans.
According to the e-challan website, most of the challans that were issued from 2014 were for riding without a helmet or wrong parking. Some challans were also related to not wearing a face mask in public places while riding. Some fines also pertained to riding on the wrong side of the road.