A 42-year-old woman from Moosapet was duped to the tune of Rs 29.27 lakh under the guise of a full-time job offer in Japan. The woman was told to ‘invest’ a total of Rs 29, 27,780, which was refundable with 40 per cent extra bonus on the invested amount, according to cyber crime team
The woman started looking for a software job. In July, she received an email from one Renoir Group regarding placements in ‘Hitachi Group’ for the role of senior accounts manager in Japan. The email mentioned that Hitachi would provide facilities like air tickets, family accommodation, visa, medical expenses, etc. once the candidate was selected in the interview with Hitachi group.
According to victim, on August 1, one Kojin Nakakita from Hitachi automotive interviewed her and the next day she received an offer letter with the benefits for employment in Japan. She was asked to pay `33,780 refundable deposit.
The victim in her complaint said that she paid the amount and later paid amounts on
different occasions towards various charges.
She said that a meeting with the Hitachi representatives was scheduled in Delhi, but it was postponed due to the G20 summit. She was also told that there was a delay in the meeting because almost 26 candidates backed out of the offer. Later, she was told that the meeting would be conducted in Bengaluru in October, but it was delayed again.
The victim was again told that the first batch meeting was in process and that she has to join the second batch as only limited visa stamping was done at the Japan Consultancy in Bengaluru per day and was again asked to pay an additional amount for the meeting.
She grew suspicious and inquired with the Embassy of Japan in Bengaluru and found that the Hitachi group was not conducting any recruitment drive.
She then lodged a complaint with the Cyberabad cyber crime wing, which registered a case and started an investigation.