Bundles of notes, that too of Rs.2000 denomination, flying in the wind triggered a traffic snarl on the 100 Feet Road in Madhapur on Wednesday.
It was only after the police reached the spot it came to light that the notes, for which several people had stopped their vehicles in the middle of the road, were from a board game resembling actual notes.
Police said scores of people had rushed to grab bundles of the Children’s Bank currency notes
that were found on the 100 Feet Road. Local residents and motorists had found bundles of the Rs.2,000 notes on the main road and mistook them to be original currency and tried to quickly pick them up and fill their pockets.
It was only on close examination that they realized they were actually part of a children’s game. The incident led to traffic congestion in the area, with the police having to intervene to convince the people that the notes were not actual currency.