Friendship on Instagram landed a woman and her friend into trouble after Secunderabad Railway Police (GRP) in coordination with the Railway Protection Force (RPF) arrested them for smuggling ganja from Visakhapatnam to Solapur in Maharashtra via Secunderabad railway station. The arrested have been identified as Ishrat Bano, 20, of Madhya Pradesh and Kanchan, 21, of Chhattisgarh. The prime accused Raja of Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh is absconding.
The railway police said Bano and Kanchan were friends when they
studied in the same school up to intermediate at Bilaspur. They became addicted to consuming alcohol and smoking cigarettes. Two years ago Bano developed a friendship with Raja on Instagram. Bano shared her problems, habits and status with Raja.
Raja suggested Bano to assist him in transporting ganja to Maharashtra offering her to pay Rs.1,000 per packet. Bano then agreed to the offer and helped Raja transport ganja thrice a month. Meanwhile, Kanchan often expressed her desire with Bano to go on a long trip.