IT Minister KT Rama Rao has asked officials to provide progress reports in fields such as education, health, agriculture, irrigation, drinking water, electricity and welfare among others by March next year to the people by organizing meetings in selected mandals by the District Collector.

Speaking at a review meeting at Sircilla on Tuesday, the Minister said a number of welfare schemes and developmental works took place after the formation of Telangana state.

Though it was a small district compared to other areas, Rajanna-Sircilla district had achieved a lot of growth during the last eight years. The district would become a role model to the nation in the fields such as education, health, agriculture, irrigation, drinking water, electricity, welfare and others.

In order to tell the people about the progress achieved in those sectors, progress reports on each sector should

be handed over to the people by conducting meetings in selected mandals.

On the Mana Ooru Mana Badi programme, the Minister said the Telangana government was committed to provide quality education to poor students.

Earlier, only 200 gurukulam schools were available in Telangana. However, the figure has been scaled to 1,000 after the formation of a separate State.

Stating that steps were being taken to further improve education standards, he said basic facilities would be developed in all government schools in the district in two phases under Mana Ooru Mana Bandi programme.

ZP Chairperson Nyalakonda Aruna, Powerlooms Corporation Chairman Guduri Praveen, Choppadandi MLA Sunke Ravishankar, TSCAB Chairman Konduru Ravinder Rao, Municipal Chairperson Jindam Kala, Collector Anurag Jayanthi and others were present.

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