Jana Sena founder Pawan Kalyan asked why should only the upper castes have a hold on power. "After the death of Damodaram Sanjivayya, people from the SC community did not get a shot at power and those from the BC castes were not enjoying their rightful share in power.

Participated in a meeting in support of party candidate Mummareddy Prem Kumar, Kalyan said, "I completely vouch for the veracity of the BJP’s promise to make a leader from the BC community the CM, and appreciate it. People should stand by the Jana Sena and BJP which have similarity of thoughts."

He said the Jana Sena strongly believed in socialist and Sanatana Dharma ideals. "The victory of our candidate in Kukatpally will have a positive impact in AP also. This has to be kept in mind by everyone. Leaders and cadre of both the parties should work together to

win, Kalyan said.

"I had extended my support unconditionally to the BJP from the beginning. We know how we would have been troubled if the BJP had not come to power at the centre. One should learn from Manda Krishna Madiga how to take a movement forward. He has shown commitment in taking it forward and Prime Minister Modi should be lauded for standing by him," the Jana Sena chief said.

Speaking at the meet BJP state in-charge Prakash Javadekar said, "If both the parties work together victory will be there for sure. The Congress will be relegated to the third place. Modi has ensured that the country’s fame spreads across the world.  BRS leaders who took the slogans of water, jobs and funds being used for the benefit of Telangana people failed to keep their word."

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