The Rachakonda Special Operations Team along with Medipally police arrested three persons, including a couple, on charges of cheating job aspirants with promises of jobs in the Indian Railways and the Hyderabad Metro Rail. They reportedly collected around Rs.1.50 crore from their victims.
The arrested persons are K Surendra (37) and his wife B Nagalakshmi (30), both from Guntur in Andhra Pradesh and D Suresh (33), a travel agent from Uppal. The absconding persons are K Bhagya Lakshmi, Srinivas Rao from Khammam, Alam from Secunderabad.
According to the police, Surendra earlier cheated his friends by collecting money promising to sell them gold at cheaper rates in 2018. He was booked and has been absconding since then. He came to Hyderabad and was living in Uppal after changing his name as
Putta Suresh Reddy. He also obtained fake Aadhaar card, Pan and Election card prepared and opened bank accounts.
He came into contact with one Srinivas Rao and Alam, who promised of jobs through back channels and asked him to identify those interested. “He in turn contacted his acquaintances in Uppal and informed them about the jobs without examination and took them to Rail Nilayam and introduced them to Srinivas Rao and Alam as Railway officers. About 20 job aspirants believed them and paid between Rs. 5 lakh to Rs.10 lakhs each,” said Rachakonda Police Commissioner, Mahesh M Bhagwat.
Srinivas Rao and Alam issued appointment orders but on suspicion the victims approached Rail Nilayam authorities and came to know they were fake. Cases were booked against them at Medipally and Uppal police.