Warangal: Following the suit of their four counterparts of the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC), a BJP corporator here has joined the TRS in the presence of party working president and IT and MA&UD Minister KT Rama Rao at the latter’s house in Hyderabad on Friday. Chintakula Anil Kumar, the corporator from the 27th ward (Govindarajula Gutta area) in the city along with his elder brother Chintakula Sunil Kumar has joined the ruling party as the efforts of Warangal East MLA Nannanupeni Narender paid off.
Speaking to the media persons on the occasion, they said that they were quitting the BJP as they were vexed with discrimination towards the Telangana by the Narendra Modi led Central government. “We feel that the State’s development would be possible
only by the TRS government as both Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao and IT Minister KT Rama Rao are working hard,” they said.
Chintakula Sunil has been in mainstream politics for more than three decades and worked as the Warangal city BJP president and was an active leader in the city. The MLA Narender hoped that several leaders of the BJP and Congress would follow the footsteps of Anil. It may be added here that the BJP managed to win 10 out of of 66 wards in the GWMC elections held in 2021, while the TRS won 44 and secured the Mayor post.
Warangal MP Pasunuri Dayakar, MLC Banda Prakash, Market Committee former chairman T Ramesh, and TRS leader Gande Naveen were present when the BJP leaders were invited to the TRS party in Hyderabad.