Karnataka Animal Husbandry Minister Prabhu Chauhan lauded the services being rendered through the mobile veterinary clinics and 1962 ambulance services in Telangana State. He appreciated numerous schemes being implemented by the Telangana government and was keen to replicate some of them in Karnataka as well.
Speaking on the occasion, Telangana Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav explained about various schemes being implemented by the State government including mobile veterinary clinics, sheep distribution, free fishlings and shrimp distribution, cattle insurance
and other schemes. “By exchanging information and experiences about various schemes being implemented in respective States, both the States can progress. The Telangana government is ready extend necessary cooperation to other States in implementing certain welfare and development programmes,” he added.
A delegation from Karnataka led by Prabhu Chauhan is on a visit to Telangana to study various welfare and development schemes being implemented by the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary departments in the State. The delegation comprised officials from Karnataka government as well.