BRS MLC and Telangana Jagruthi founder K Kavitha unveiled the poster for the BC Maha Sabha, scheduled to be held on January 3 at Indira Park in Hyderabad. The demonstration, organised by BC organisations and Telangana Jagruthi, is to raise the demand to ensure 42 per cent reservations for BCs in local body elections and also implementation of Kamareddy BC Declaration by the Congress government.

The programme is being organised, coinciding with Savitribai Phule’s birth anniversary, to highlight the Congress government’s failure in delivering promises made to the BCs in the State. Several public organisations, caste associations, and Joint Action

Committees (JACs) including the Telangana Sarpanch Association JAC and Telangana Student JAC, are part of the demonstration.

Speaking on the occasion, Kavitha charged the Congress government with betraying BCs by failing to deliver on Kamareddy declaration, including increasing reservations in local bodies. She criticised the delay, vowing to fight with the Congress government for justice and rights. “I urge everyone to join hands and make this a historic movement,” she added.

Meanwhile, Telangana Student JAC displayed posters at Osmania University, announcing their support and promising large-scale participation from the student community.
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