The Rouse Avenue court at New Delhi sent BRS MLC Kalvakuntla Kavitha, former chief minister K. Chandrashekar Rao’s daughter, arrested in the Delhi liquor policy scam case, to Tihar jail for judicial custody till April 9. Special judge Kaveri Baweja issued the orders after the ED produced Kavitha in the court at the end of the custody period on Tuesday. The court was not inclined to hear immediately the interim bail of Kavitha, who cited her minor child’s examinations which commenced on Tuesday.
Speaking to reporters outside the court, Kavitha said it was not a money-laundering case but a “political laundering case.” “One accused has already joined BJP, the second accused is getting a BJP ticket and the third accused has given Rs 50 crore in electoral bonds. It is a fabricated and
false case. We will come out clean. Jai Telangana,” she said. The ED submitted to the court that it had to be given an opportunity to file its contentions on the interim bail application filed by Kavitha and time till April 1, which the court allowed.
ED counsel Sh Zoheb Hossain said the agency reserved its right to seek her further custody. He said that Kavitha was highly influential and there was every likelihood she would influence witnesses and tamper with the evidence, if released.
Explaining the difficulty in probing economic crimes, counsel said the offenders were resourceful and influential persons having deep roots in society and commit the crimes in a carefully planned and meticulous manner.