Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday announced Rs 2 crore cash reward to recently-crowned world boxing champion Nikhat Zareen and shooter Esha Singh for their exploits on the international arena.
The Chief Minister also announced that both the athletes will get land for their houses in Jubilee Hills and Banjara Hills. Nikhat Zareen scripted history by becoming first from the State and also from South India to become world champion in the 52 kg category recently in
Meanwhile, Esha Singh won three gold medals in team events in the recently-concluded ISSF Junior World Cup in Germany.
Both athletes, along with football Guguloth Soumya from Nizamabad, were accorded a rousing reception from Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Shamshabad and later were felicitated.
Earlier, the State government rewarded Nikhat Zareen with Rs 50 lakh in 2014 for her training purpose.