Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Wednesday directed the staff and officers of the power utilities in the State not to rest till power supply was completely restored in the State. He appreciated their immediate response to heavy rains in the State and for taking up restoration works in adverse weather conditions.

In a meeting with officials of TSGenco and TSTransco at Pragathi Bhavan here, the Chief Minister observed that the electricity department was on high alert in the wake of heavy rains and flash floods across the State. 

He inquired about the ongoing works for power supply restoration, losses suffered due to flooding and also instructed officials of TSGenco, TSTransco and distribution companies to constantly monitor the situation and take necessary action. He also wanted them to caution people with regard to electricity in inundated areas.

TSGenco and TSTransco chairman and managing director D Prabhakar Rao explained to the Chief

Minister about the measures being taken by the power companies to restore normalcy. He stated that power supply was disrupted at many places across the State due to heavy rains and flash floods. He informed that a large number of transformers got washed away in the floods, besides the rains causing severe damage to electric poles and wires. He said that since the rains had not stopped completely and flood water had not receded, it was not possible for the staff to move freely in water-logged areas and restore power supply.

Prabhakar Rao said apartments in many urban areas including Hyderabad were flooded with rain water disrupting power supply. He stated that power supply was disconnected in some places as a precautionary measures to prevent untoward incidents. “We will commence restoration of power supply soon after the situation improves. The staff are working round-the-clock and reaching out to places as far as they can,” he added.

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