Chief Minister of Telangana K Chandrasekhar Rao expressed fear that new note of Rs. 2000 may also be scrapped. This has given sleepless night to black money hoarders who are struggling hard to convert black money into white.It must be noted that after scrapping of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes, those who possessed unaccounted cash had converted their money into white on 25 to 40 pc commission. They were feeling relieved after saving their wealth though with a little loss.
But when
Chief Minister of Telangana KCR expressed fears
yesterday that the new 2000
note may also be scrapped, those who had converted defunct currency into 2000
notes are worried about their wealth. They are busy checking veracity of chief
minister’s fears.
It has been learnt from reliable sources that defunct notes were converted into valid currency, in assistance with managers and other officials of banks and post offices by paying them commission. RBI and CBI is making enquiry into the matter. Central government has also received such reports from intelligence.
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