Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao extended greetings to the people of Telangana on the eve of the 73rd Republic Day of India. He said uniqueness of India was the sovereignty of the people who can elect their government and rule themselves. The greatness of India, the largest democracy in the world, was in its display of different cultures, different traditions and distinctive social diversity, he said.
“Unity in diversity stands as a symbol of the cosmopolitan, social, political, cultural ideologies and worldview of Indian citizens,” Chandrashekhar Rao said on Tuesday, in a statement.
He felt that India maintaining its unity as a confederation of States, despite its diverse languages, regions and natural features, was a testament to the political acumen and vision of the people of the country. He stated
that through decentralisation of administration, the States were given a role in the Constitution to strengthen the democratic foundations of the country. “The States are reflections of this country. Our nation’s reputation as the largest democracy, can be safeguarded only through protection of the rights of the States and emerge as the ‘Union of States’,” he added.
The Chief Minister said the newly formed Telangana State has been displaying the federal spirit of the Constitution from the very beginning. He stated that the State stood as an example for others in governance, without mixing politics and administration. He urged people to work tirelessly to uphold the federal spirit provided by the makers of the Indian Constitution and to swear allegiance to it with unwavering faith.