The Telangana Chief Minister called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi and closeted with him for about 40 minutes and handed over a wish list besides seeking his help in wading out the problems in the State. The Chief Minister pleaded with Narendra Modi to immediately release Rs 3,064 crore towards drought relief and raise the FRBM cap by 0.5 per cent to the existing 3.0 per cent to get more loans and allot funds for ITIR project.
style="text-align:justify;text-indent:0.5in;background-image:initial;background-repeat:initial">On KCR’s
invitation, the Prime Minister is likely to lay foundation stone for the
proposed 4000 MW capacity Ramagundam power plant in Karimnagar district during
March first week. KCR asked the Centre to release Rs 30,571 crore towards
special package for Telangana for the next four years. He also sought Rs
10,000-crore financial assistance for Mission Bhagiratha scheme, funds in
Central budget for AIIMS which should be announced soon, new railway projects
and completion of pending rail works and to upgrade Tribal
University into Central University.
The Chief Minister also urged the Modi Government to extend a helping hand to Telangana State in completing its ambitious projects, flagship programs and welfare schemes.
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