Party supremo and Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said that the ground was open for the TRS candidates to win the elections. He also called upon the legislators, in-charges and the general secretaries to convince those leaders who could not get party tickets that they will be accommodated in other positions.

The Chief Minister chaired a meeting with party legislators at Telangana Bhavan on Thursday in which party working president and IT Minister KT Rama Rao was also present. The TRS chief and the working president then distributed A and B forms and instructed legislators and others on filing nominations for the municipal elections.

“The aspirants have the right to ask for nomination. But the onus of explaining why they were not chosen is on us. So we must patiently explain to them the reasons and tell them that there are other opportunities awaiting them,” Chandrashekhar Rao told the legislators. 

He advised them to act with utmost care as the dejected candidates could be agitated and try to exert more pressure. “It is quite natural for them to behave in that manner, but remember that they are like our own children,” the TRS president said, adding that several opportunities such as posts in committees of market yards, temples, nominated posts will be available for them in future. “If they still refuse to listen to you, send them to the party headquarters,” he said.

The party chief, who donned the role of a skilful teacher explained the nitty gritty of filing nominations for the municipal elections. “Don’t delay handing over the B Forms to the selected candidates. The process must be over by Friday. The selected candidates will then have enough time to go to the field and concentrate on their campaign,” he said. He cautioned the legislators that delay in the process could hamper their campaign schedule.

Explaining the need to personally meet every

single voter, the TRS chief reminded the leaders that local elections were not dependent on a trend but on personal touch. “You in turn educate the candidates to meet the beneficiaries of all the government schemes. Voters don’t vote for you because of the scheme, they do if you remind them that by voting for TRS you will benefit with many more such new schemes,” he said. In municipal polls the number of voters is less, hence every single vote counts, he said.

“TRS will be in power for four more years and is ready to pump in huge funds for the development of towns and urban areas. We will introduce many more schemes such as Kalyanalakshmi, Asara Pensions, pension for single women, KCR kits, and residential schools,” Chandrashekhar Rao said. Encouraging the legislators to work hard for the selected candidates, he asked them to recall how he struggled for their victory. 

“Every day I used have reviews, draw new strategies, change the plans time and again as per the situation, you have to emulate all that. If they win the elections they will be of strength to you, otherwise they could as well become your weakness,” he told them in clear terms.

Instructing the legislators and in-charges to submit the A-Forms to the district collectors concerned, the party president asked them to get the nomination forms checked with the help of legal experts before filing them to avoid disappointments. He further said that information about the progress of counting of votes must reach the party headquarters on the day of counting. “There will be a team ready to receive that information,” he said. The Chief Minister took objection to a query by Labour Minister Ch Malla Reddy whether the election for the Chairman and Mayor would take place on the same day and advised him to check with his office. He then conveyed birthday wishes to Nagarjuna Sagar MLA Nomula Narasimhiah.

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