Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will be the hat-trick Chief Minister for Telangana after 2023 elections and also South India’s first Chief Minister to assume the post for third consecutive time, declared TRS working president and Minister KT Rama Rao. He reminded that even the surveys publicised by the Congress and the BJP too agree that the TRS enjoys majority approval even after eight years of governance and would win the next elections to the State Assembly.
“Our internal surveys and regular feedback on public perspective about our government’s performance too indicates that the TRS will get more than 90 seats,” he said.
In an informal interaction with select mediapersons here on Friday, Rama Rao downplayed the infights between the party leaders terming them as an indication of strong leadership and people’s acceptance of the party. He also felt that none of the Opposition parties were strong enough to compete with TRS in all the constituencies. “Neither Congress nor BJP has strong presence in most of the constituencies. Hence, it is not sensible to name one of them as our main opponent,” he
The TRS working president stated that the State Assembly elections will be held in December 2023 as per the schedule. However, as the Chief Minister had announced, the TRS was ready to dissolve the State Assembly if the BJP would announce the poll dates for both the Lok Sabha and the Assembly. “As we all know, the BJP-led government is controlling even the autonomous bodies like the Election Commission. If they are willing to dissolve, we too are ready for elections,” he declared.
Rama Rao stated that Chief Minister Chandrashekhar Rao will not be intimidated or subservient to anyone. He said the BJP was getting habituated to ‘Modi or ED’ and ‘Jhumla or Hamla’ and it was not ready to win elections by winning the hearts of people through its welfare and development measures. He welcomed the Congress party’s announcement about Congress MP Rahul Gandhi planning to hold a deeksha in Sircilla constituency. “He is most welcome to visit my constituency and learn a thing or two about development as well as implement them in his constituency,” he said.