Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao will attend the Sammakka Saralamma Jatara at Medaram on February 18. He will leave Hyderabad by a special helicopter from Begumpet airport and reach Medaram at around 12 noon. After offering special puja to the tribal deities, he will return to Hyderabad by 4 pm.
He will lay the foundation stone for the much-awaited Sangameshwara and Basaveshwara Lift Irrigation Projects in Sangareddy district on February 21. The lift irrigation projects are aimed to irrigate 3.84 lakh acres in Sangareddy, Andole, Narayankhed, Zaheerabad and surrounding
Assembly constituencies. Both the projects will be taken up with an estimated cost of Rs 4,427 crore.
On February 23, he will inaugurate the Mallanna Sagar reservoir which was constructed as part of the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme (KLIS). The project, which has 50 TMCft storage capacity project, was built with an outlay of Rs 6,805 crores between Thoguta and Kondapak mandals. Apart from meeting the drinking water needs of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, the Mallanna Sagar water will also be used for the industrial needs of Telangana.