Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao said that he will make another visit to Sangareddy District in a week’s time to lay the foundation stone for Government Medical College in Sangareddy before proceeding to Kethaki Sangameshwara Swamy Temple in Jharasangam. The Chief Minister said he will also participate in some programmes in Patancheru Assembly Constituency en route.
Addressing the public meeting in Narayankhed town
after laying the foundation stones for Sangameshwara and Basaveshwara Lift Irrigation Projects on Monday, the Chief Minister said he will come by road the next time. Since leaders from Sangareddy met with the Chief Minister at Pragathi Bhavan and requested him to visit Jharasangam temple, Chandrashekar Rao is expected to come up with a plan for the development of the temple during his visit.