Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Sunday said the State government was fully prepared to deal with any eventuality on the Covid-19 front, but urged the people of the State to remain cautious, adopt Covid appropriate behaviour and more importantly, ensure that they get vaccinated with a sense of responsibility.
Besides expediting the administration of the two regular doses of Covid vaccine to cover the entire population of the State, the Chief Minister also directed the officials to provide booster doses to all senior citizens aged above 60 years along with all frontline warriors including healthcare and sanitation staff across the State commencing Monday. He urged all the eligible persons to get themselves vaccinated without fail.
The Chief Minister reviewed the preparedness in the wake of increase in Covid cases in the State, at Pragathi Bhavan here. The vaccination programme is already underway for those aged between 15 and 18 years and parents should ensure that their children get vaccinated without fail, he said.
“People must follow all precautions and confine themselves while celebrating Sankranti festival, rather than congregating in groups. If
you have any symptoms, go to the nearest government hospital and seek treatment,” he advised.
The Chief Minister reiterated that the people of the State need not panic about the increasing cases of Covid but urged them to strictly follow the Covid guidelines. He stressed that people must take self-regulatory measures like wearing masks, sanitising, and maintaining physical distancing without any negligence.
Chandrashekhar Rao reviewed the arrangements made in all government hospitals, administration of vaccines, availability of medicines and other facilities. The officials informed him about the measures taken so far with regard to his directions given during the last review meeting and explained about the arrangements made.
Health Minister T Harish Rao, Roads and Buildings Minister Vemula Prashant Reddy, MLC Venkatram Reddy, Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar, Special Chief Secretaries K Ramakrishna Rao (Finance) and Rajat Kumar (Irrigation), Health Secretary SAM Rizvi, CMO (Chief Minister’s Office) Secretaries Smita Sabharwal and Rajasekhar Reddy, Government Adviser Suddala Sudhakar Teja, and others were present.