Within six hours of the incident being reported, the Gopalapuram police solved the kidnap case of N.Keerthana (3), who was abducted by her uncle and his friends from near her house at Regimental Bazaar on Thursday.
Five persons including three minor boys were arrested in connection with the kidnap. The police suspect a family dispute to be the reason behind the kidnap.
The arrested persons are S.Sai Ram, a fish aquarium businessman from Sitaphalmandi, his friend G.Nithin Kumar from Quthbullapur and three teenaged boys.
According to the police, on Thursday evening around Keerthana who was playing in front of her house was kidnapped by the suspects, who came on two scooters. Her mother S.Uma, who realized her daughter was missing, searched for her in all possible places, but in
Based on her complaint around 4 pm, the Gopalapuram police formed special teams and started intensive search for the child and examined the footage from surveillance cameras in the surroundings.
“With the help of surveillance cameras and suspicion of family members, we zeroed upon Sai Ram, who is a cousin of the child’s father Srinivas. Both have been having frequent fights over family and property disputes, due to which Sai Ram decided to kidnap the girl and teach Srinivas, a lesson,” said an official from Gopalapuram police station.
The police team first nabbed Sai Ram and based on his confession went to Nithin Kumar’s house in Chinthal in Quthbullapur and rescued the girl late in night, within six hours.
She was handed over to her parents.Meanwhile, the suspects were produced before the court.