BRS working president K.T. Rama Rao said the Congress was lying about the implementation of its Six Guarantees. “Rahul Gandhi who only reads the scripts given to him claimed that they are implementing the Rs 2,500 dole for women in Nirmal. Looks like the party thinks they can make any claims and take the gullible people of Telangana for a ride,” he said. He said though Greater Hyderabad backed the BRS and gave it 16 seats in the Assembly elections, it lost power as the people in the rural areas got carried away by the Congress’ promises.
He was speaking at Karmanghat during a road show in support of BRS Malkajgiri candidate Ragidi Laxma Reddy. Speaking at the road show, Lakshma Reddy said, “KCR developed the state well and KTR did his bit for Hyderabad. Revanth Reddy who had won as MP from Malkajgiri did not visit the area again. The Congress cheated people in the name of Six Guarantees.0 “How
is Congress candidate Patnam Suneetha Mahender Reddy connected to this constituency? Does she have her vote here? These are leaders who deserted the BRS just two to three months after losing power. BJP leader Etala Rajendar who lost in Huzurabad is contesting from Malkajgiri now. I am from this area and will serve people if voted to power.”
Rama Rao opined that Rahul Gandhi and the Congress should first see if Revanth Reddy would remain with them after the polls. He said that while Rahul Gandhi called Prime Minister Narendra Modi a thief, Revanth Reddy saw a big brother in him. “While Adani is a fraudster for Rahul, he is a friend for Revanth. Even as the former pooh poohs the Gujarat model, the latter promises to emulate it. While Rahul finds fault with Kejriwal for the Delhi liquor scam, Revanth supports arrest of Kavitha.”