Bharat Rahstra Samithi (BRS) working president KT Rama Rao on Saturday, January 4 accused the Congress of spending Rs 1,000 crore for changing the abbreviation of Telangana from TS to TG after coming to power.
KTR shared a picture of the Telangana e-procurement portal which contains details on modification of registration of license from Telangana State (TS) to Telangana (TG). He took a
dig at Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi saying it is the cost of satisfying his ego.
The former Telangana minister said that the same amount of money could have been used to provide Rs 2 lakh loan waiver to farmers in Telangana and 40 lakh women in Telangana could have received Rs 2,500 per month as promised by the Congress menifesto ahead of the Telangana Assembly elections.