BRS working president KT Rama Rao appeared before the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday in connection with the Formula-E car race case. Rama Rao left his Gachibowli residence at 10 a.m. and arrived at the ED office in Basheerbagh under heavy police security.
The ED had summoned Rama Rao for questioning after the Telangana High Court dismissed a quash petition filed in the ACB case linked to the matter. Initially scheduled to appear on January 7, Rama Rao had sought an extension until the High Court’s decision, and the ED subsequently summoned him for January 16.
tensions ran high outside the ED office as a large number of BRS leaders and activists gathered. They raised slogans against the government for indulging in political vendetta. A scuffle broke out between the party activists and police. BRS spokesperson Manne Krishank was prevented from speaking to the media and was detained. Several other BRS leaders including Batthini Keerthi Latha, Pavani Goud and others were arrested.
Earlier, several BRS leaders including BRS Vidyarthi (student) wing president Gellu Srinivas Yadav were placed under house arrest.