IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao said March 9 was a momentous occasion for Telangana with Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao announcing that the State government would take up direct recruitment to fill over 80,000 posts.
Participating in the inauguration of the Nizam College Women’s Hostel and the graduation ceremony, Rama Rao said that for the last seven and half years, many students and youngsters were waiting for the notifications, and added that students who graduated on Wednesday were lucky as the notification was released the same day. The Minister said the graduating students should consider the Chief Minister’s announcement as a golden opportunity and
seize it.
He also asked the youngsters to dream big and become job creators instead of being jobseekers. Mentioning the names of Chief Executive Officers of Indian origin heading top global companies, he said though the companies were headed by Indians, no big enterprises like Microsoft or Google started in India. “That dream and aspiration to come up with world class products to provide world class solutions to the rest of the globe lies with this generation,” Rama Rao said.
Education Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy said the students were fortunate as job notifications were released on the same day they graduated.