IT Minister KT Rama Rao on Wednesday assured protesting students of the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge and Technologies (RGUKT)-Basar that he would take their issues to the notice of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao and Education Minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy.
Responding to a tweet on issues in RGUKT Basra, Rama Rao tweeted: “Will take all the issues mentioned to the notice of Hon’ble CM KCR Garu & Education Minister
@SabithaindraTRS Garu. Kindly be assured that we are committed to resolving any challenges with respect to improving quality of education.”
Around 8,000 students boycotted classes and launched an indefinite protest alleging poor amenities in the varsity on Tuesday. They wanted the appointment of a regular Vice Chancellor, besides resolving basic facilities such as cots, uniforms, laptops, drinking water etc.