Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister KT Rama Rao on Sunday gave a clarion call to the elected representatives to put up a joint fight against seasonal diseases. He requested them to be active participants in the ‘Every Sunday at 10 am for 10 minutes’ programme launched by him on May 10, advocating them to clean their homes and clear any water stagnation to prevent spreading of seasonal diseases.

The Minister also urged the public to become participants in the sanitation drive undertaken by the respective municipalities. He sought their support for protecting people, their families and also urban local bodies from seasonal diseases.

In a letter written to the elected representatives seeking their active participation, Rama Rao said the State government was taking all measures for prevention of seasonal diseases in the State. He wanted the elected representatives to actively participate in the seasonal diseases prevention activities and encourage community participation for prevention of dengue, malaria, chikun gunya and other seasonal diseases in their respective localities.

With monsoon

expected to arrive in June, the Minister instructed the elected representatives to be alert and line up all the activities for effectively controlling spread of seasonal diseases as was done in the past. He further recalled the measures taken up during the ‘Pattana Pragathi’ programme and its success in ensuring sanitation.

Learning lessons from the past, Rama Rao suggested that emphasis should be laid on domestic sanitation and promotion of ‘Every Sunday at 10 am for 10 minutes’ drive for 10 weeks to clear stagnant water and mosquito breeding points. “All the elected public representatives should set an example to the residents in their respective areas by taking up these activities,” he added.

The government already chalked out a special calendar plan in association with the health department. Besides spraying disinfectants, the Minister directed the officials concerned for extensive fogging and releasing of oil balls in water bodies to kill mosquito larvae. He wanted the officials to focus on disiltation of nalas and clearing water logging in low-lying areas on a daily basis.

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