BRS working president KT Rama Rao on Tuesday launched a broadside against Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and the Congress government, daring to conduct the ongoing Assembly session for 15 days to discuss farmers’ loan waivers, employment and other public concerns. He said the Congress government had failed on all fronts in its first year and was creating anarchy in the State.

“If Revanth Reddy has the courage, let us start with issues of farmers, weavers, auto drivers, and students of Gurukul schools. After debating the people’s issues, we can also discuss about allegations against the BRS including the Formula E controversy,” he asserted.

Addressing a meeting of BRS leaders from Kodangal constituency at Telangana Bhavan on Tuesday, Rama Rao slammed the Congress for deceiving voters with false promises during elections.

“The Congress government has waived crop loans for less than 30 per cent farmers, but is shamelessly claiming to have implemented cent percent. In Revanth Reddy’s own Kondareddypalli village, no farmer can claim that all their crop loans have been fully waived,” he said, also criticising Revanth Reddy’s handling of the Lagacherla issue.


so-called Industrial Corridor is just a ploy to grab farmers’ lands for personal interests to benefit his son-in-law and industrialist Gautam Adani. If industries were the goal, why not develop the 500 acres available in Veldanda?” he asked, charging the Congress government with oppressing farmers and BRS leaders in Kodangal constituency.

Demanding that the arrested farmers from Lagacherla be released immediately and all cases against them be withdrawn, he said the BRS would fight for justice on behalf of the farmers. Expresing confidence in the court’s verdict, he vowed to raise the issue throughout the Assembly session and even after it concludes.

Rama Rao said the Congress was using Cabinet meetings to plan arrests instead of focusing on governance.

“Revanth Reddy’s downfall will begin in Kodangal. Our former MLA Patnam Narendra Reddy will lead the fight to protect farmers’ interests,” he declared, adding that farmers would teach the Congress a fitting lesson in the upcoming local bodies elections.

Former Ministers and senior leaders P Sabita Indra Reddy, Satyavathi Rathod, G Jagadish Reddy, Vemula Prashanth Reddy, Ponnala Lakshmaiah and others were also present.
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