TRS working president and IT and Industries Minister K T Rama Rao said on Friday that people will file charge-sheets against the Congress and BJP in the municipal elections for their failure to develop the country and the State during more than six decades of their regime.

He was responding to the charge-sheet released by the BJP against the five-year rule of TRS in the State. He advised the BJP State leadership to focus on contesting from all wards in the State during the elections and if possible, get additional funds released to the State from the Central government rather than making such baseless allegations.

“The Opposition parties decided to remain blind to the development and welfare programmes of the TRS government in the State. If they had credibility among the people or even if there was anti-incumbency, why couldn’t the Opposition parties

find enough candidates to field from all wards/divisions for the municipal elections?,” he questioned.

Interacting with the media at Telangana Bhavan on Friday, Rama Rao demanded that BJP State president K Laxman explain how many Smart Cities were developed by the Centre over the last five years. He also asked which cities were transformed under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) scheme. “Congress and BJP have colluded to support TRS rebel candidates as both the Opposition parties do not have enough candidates to field in the municipal elections. But people are not ready to entertain them due to their immense faith in the leadership of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao,” he pointed out. He demanded of them to explain their initiatives that benefited urban areas in the last few decades.

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