K T Rama Rao on Friday demanded that the Central government sanction power loom clusters to Pochampalli, Narayanpet, Gadwal and Dubbaka and sanction Rs 1,000 crore by including the sector in the Prime Minister’s Mitra scheme.
“A lot of development would take place if these clusters are established. In this regard, a number of representations were submitted to the Union Handlooms and Textile Minister in the last seven and half years. There has, however, been no response from the Union government that clearly establishes the stepmotherly treatment meted out to Telangana,” the Minister said, addressing a press conference after exercising his vote in Karimnagar Local Authorities’s Constituency MLC election here.
Seeking establishment of an Indian Institute of Handlooms in the State as well with allocations in the next budget, Rama Rao urged the BJP’s State leadership to take part in the development of the State. “They should respond on the issue and convince the Union government,” he said.
Pointing out to the various initiatives
of the State government for the welfare of weavers, he said there was no question of excusing the Centre if it failed to support the State.
Explaining the welfare schemes introduced by the State government for the welfare of handloom and power loom workers, he said employment was generated for weavers by implementing various programmes at a cost of Rs 1,134 crore. Compared to earlier times, there is considerable improvement in the living condition of the community, he added.
Cheneta Cheyuta, loan waiver and modernization of power looms have been taken up since 2016-17. Besides introducing various schemes, Bathukamma sarees, school uniforms and other orders have also been placed by the government. With the concept of making weavers the owners, ‘Worker to Owner’ scheme was also introduced, he said.
To provide employment to skilled workers, the State government allotted 600 acres of land to establish a textile park in Warangal, the Minister informed and sought the cooperation of the Centre in textile production in the State.