TRS working president and Minister KT Rama Rao denied violating Covid-19 norms of the Centre during his programmes after fresh guidelines were issued on January 1. Instead, he had cancelled his visit to Khammam and other places after the orders were issued.
Rama Rao rubbished the allegations by the BJP leaders that the TRS party as well as the Telangana government was violating the Covid-19 guildelines, but arrested BJP State president Bandi Sanjay who was fighting on behalf of government employees to revoke GO 317. “The government
cancelled all public gatherings. Even I have cancelled my visit to Khammam and other districts after the fresh guidelines were issued on January 1,” he added.
He said if the BJP leaders want to question violation of the Covid-19 norms by the TRS leaders prior to January 1, he too can point fingers at the public meetings and election rallies addressed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and union Ministers since first wave of Covid-19. He ridiculed the BJP local leaders for criticising the guidelines issued by their party-led government at the Centre.