IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao set out on a two-week-long five nation tour on Sunday. Starting on Monday, he will meet political and business heads in South Korea, Japan, Switzerland and United Arab Emirates (UAE) before returning home. He embarked on a similar tour in January last year which attracted significant investments to the State.
Rama Rao left for South Korea on Sunday and will tour in South Korea and Japan for next one week from January 15 to 22. Later, he would reach Davos on January 23 to participate in the annual meeting of World Economic Forum and pitch for investments in the State. Officials said a series of meetings have been lined up with political and business heads from various countries during the Davos visit.
On the way back, the Minister would halt for meetings with probable investors in UAE and is likely to arrive in Hyderabad at the end of January. His latest tour to South Korea, Japan, Switzerland and UAE assume significance in the
wake of recent visits by business delegations from these nations to Telangana State. It may be recalled that a couple of industries which are part of the Korea Federation of Textile Industries are setting up their units in the upcoming Kakatiya Mega Textile Park at Warangal following their visit to Telangana State a few months ago.
Rama Rao and his team are poised to meet investors and industry giants where he will pitch for investment opportunities in Telangana State in sectors of pharmaceuticals, electronics, textiles, automotive, machinery and life sciences. They will also conduct a study tour in Japan ahead of establishing Clean Air Authority of Telangana State as well as expediting Phase-II of Hyderabad Metro Rail. During its recent visit to Hyderabad, a Japan delegation agreed to share effective methods and extend technical support for reducing air pollution and implementing better solid waste management plans in Hyderabad and other cities of Telangana State.