TRS working president and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao said impressed with Telangana’s Rythu Bandhu, Centre had announced PM Kisan, following Mission Bhagiratha, it launched Jal Jeevan Mission and now impressed with TS-IPASS, Centre was mulling to launch a new Industries approval system.
Telangana Government was not only being ideal for other States but even for Central Government as well, he said while inspecting arrangements for the TRS party plenary here at Hitex Convention on October 25.
Addressing on the occasion, the TRS working president said in the past, there used to be slogans that What Bengal does today, India follows tomorrow. The slogans have now changed to what Telangana does today, India repeats.
The Centre has been replicating many schemes and programmes being implemented by TRS government in
Telangana. The State government had taken up initiatives for increasing Urban lung space, following suit, the Centre is implementing Nagar Van programme, he pointed out.
Regarding the party president elections will be held during party general body meeting to be held on October 25 at Hitex. Elaborate arrangements are being made to ensure smooth conduct of the proceedings, he said.
The TRS Working President announced a few party committees for arrangements and coordination for the general body meeting. These include Invitations Committee, enrollment committee, resolutions committee, media committee and few others.
The party will be issuing special identity cards to the delegates attending the meeting and those, who have been invited by the party will have to attend the meeting, he added.