Municipal Administration Minister KT Rama Rao on Tuesday launched ‘The Telangana Municipalities Act, 2019’, a book published in Braille which is first of its kind in the country. He said the book would help visually challenged persons to access information pertaining to municipal Acts, without seeking others’ help.
Launching the book at Pragathi Bhavan here, Rama Rao said the Telangana government was implementing various programmes especially for persons with disabilities. The Municipal Act 2019 is already available in Telugu and English. Just like other languages, the book in Braille script will have information about various government subjects like Haritha
Haram, Green Budget, water supply, sanitation, water, health, public toilets, street lights, integrated vegetarian and non-vegetarian markets, graveyards, disaster management, pollution control, building permissions and constructions, e-municipal services, trade licences and other topics.
Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao, Tribal Welfare Minister Satyavathi Rathod, MP B Venkatesh Netha, MLAs Challa Dharmareddy, Diwakar Rao, Maganti Gopinath, Special Chief Secretary for Municipal Administration Arvind Kumar, Director of Municipal Administration N Satyanarayana and other officials were present.