BRS working president KT Rama Rao took a sharp dig at the Congress, calling the Delhi Assembly elections as a perfect case study for the latter’s double standards and hypocritical antics. He pointed out the Congress’s shifting stance on Aam Aadmi Party and its chief Arvind Kejriwal, with change in its alliance with him.
Taking to X, Rama Rao pointed out that as long as Kejriwal was aligned with Congress, he was hailed as a sane and clean leader, and Delhi looked spectacular through the alliance-tinted glasses. “The moment he stood independently, he is
branded a culprit and a criminal, with Delhi becoming a dump and plagued by AAP’s corruption. Such a dramatic shift reveals Congress’s textbook hypocrisy. It is astonishing how they can change their tune so quickly,” he remarked.
Targeting Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, Rama Rao urged him to address unfulfilled promises in Telangana. “Rahul Gandhi Ji, whenever you are done fooling Delhi voters, do visit Telangana and talk to students, farmers, women, and the elderly who are still waiting for you to fulfill the commitments you made a year ago,” he stated.