IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao who is on a tour to the United States to attract global investments to Telangana, received a warm welcome upon his arrival in Los Angeles on Sunday. In the week-long trip. the delegation led by Rama Rao will visit Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, Boston and New York and hold discussions with representatives of various industries.
After arriving in Los Angeles from Hyderabad, the Telangana delegation was welcomed by TRS party leaders, workers and also NRIs from both Telugu States at the airport. On the occasion, the Minister interacted with the NRIs and spoke about the development of Telangana as well as various initiatives taken up by the State government like ‘Mana Ooru-Mana Badi’ programme.
He urged the NRIs to participate in the programme in large
numbers. He asked those hailing from Telangana and working in America to act as ambassadors of the Telangana government to build the State’s brand image and attract investments.
During the tour, Rama Rao and his team will be meeting the top management executives of several multi-national companies with the US headquarters. Rama Rao will explain to them the progressive policies of the State and the benefits of investing in industry-friendly Telangana.
Telangana IT and Industries Principal Secretary Jayesh Ranjan, Electronics Director Sujai Karampuri, Life Sciences Director Shakti Nagappan, Food Processing Director Akhil Gawar, Promotions Director Vijay Rangineni, Chief Relations Officer Amarnath Reddy were among the officials accompanying the Minister.