IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao on Sunday released ‘Amara Jyothi’, a documentary on the sacrifices of Telangana martyrs. The 10-minute video has a splendid portrayal of the greatness of the martyrs who shed their lives during the fight for a separate Telangana from 1969 to the day Statehood was realised.

Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said the documentary would give a heart-warming account of the martyrdom of the youth for the cause of Statehood, a fallout of the conspiracies of those who opposed Statehood for Telangana.

Many student heroes were among those who sacrificed their lives to inspire the people to fight for Statehood. It is a must watch for everyone from Telangana, he said, congratulating the writer and MLC Deshapati Srinivas and director, Badawat


More such documentaries would be welcome, he said.

The Minister also released a book titled ‘Nadaka’, a collection of essays authored by Errozu Srinivas and another book ‘Kasuvu’ written by Dr. Gade Venkatesh on environmental sanitation issues.

He appreciated Telangana Vikasa Samithi General Secretary Errozu Srinivas for his analysis of Telangana progress through the book.

Kasuvu had a mention of very rare aspects, he said, adding that there were no books that had comprehensively discussed the history of sanitation in Telangana and the progress made in the department of Municipal Administration. ‘Kasuvu’ had filled that gap.

Sahitya Akademi Chairman Juluru Gowrishankar, Telangana Digital Media Director Konatham Dileep and others were present.
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