IT and Industries Minister K T Rama Rao on Sunday said the schemes and policies being implemented in Telangana should be replicated across the country to speed up the development wheel of India. “What Telangana has done can be done at the national level too. The Telangana Model of Development can be replicated across India for sure,” he said.
The Minister, delivering the keynote address at the Harvard India Conference 2022 held virtually on the theme ‘Turbocharging India @ 2030,’ said Telangana was the most successful start-up in India.
“Schemes and policies being executed in the State have to be implemented across the country to expedite development, he said, adding: “By 2030, I want to witness an India that leads the world in almost every field. I strongly believe that cues for “Turbocharging India@ 2030, can be taken from “Turbocharged Telangana since 2014.”
Stating that growth and development should be diversified across society and equal opportunities should be created for all, the Minister said diversity was India’s greatest asset. The same diversity requires widening of policy frameworks beyond the narrow focus, he stressed. Telangana government’s vision towards Infrastructure development, inclusive growth and innovation helped the youngest State in the country achieve remarkable progress in just seven years, he said.
Under the leadership of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao, Telangana has been progressing on all fronts. Telangana government’s equal focus on development and welfare measures has made it a model State in the country and the welfare schemes were being emulated by other States, he said.
The Minister said that seven villages from Telangana were ranked among the top 10 under the Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana of union Ministry of Rural Development. He highlighted that despite the pandemic impact in 2020-21, Telangana’s Per Capita Income (PCI) of Rs 2.37 lakh at current pricing and it was the third highest in the country as per the latest data from the union Ministry of Statistics and Program implementation.
According to NITI Aayog report, the Gross State Domestic Product of Telangana by provisional estimates was Rs 9.80 lakh crore, an increase of 94 per cent from its 2014-15 value, he said, adding that the State Government’s focus on agriculture, IT, power generation, industry, health
infrastructure and quality education had fuelled remarkable progress.
“Telangana attracted over Rs 2.2 lakh crore investments since the launch of its innovative TS-iPASS industrial policy. These investments employed about 16 lakh people,” Rama Rao said. The Minister said Hyderabad has emerged as a global hub for some of the most marquee names from the IT world.
Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook, each of them has their second-largest presence anywhere in the world outside their headquarters in the US in Hyderabad, he said.
“The cabins of USA President’s ‘Marine One helicopters are made in Hyderabad by Tata Sikorsky Aerospace Systems, a joint venture between the Tata Group and Sikorsky,” said the Minister. Pointing out that Hyderabad produces one-third of global vaccine output, he said “I take immense pride in saying that Hyderabad is the vaccine capital of the world.”
Listing out other developments in the State, he said Telangana was building the Kakatiya Mega Textiles Factory (KMTP), one of the world’s largest Textile Parks.
The Minister said IT exports of Telangana had touched a new high of Rs 1.45 lakh crore in 2021. Since formation Telangana, we have been able to achieve a Compound Average Growth Rate (CAGR) of 14.25 percent, up from Rs 57,000 crore in 2014 to Rs 1.45 lakh crore now. Employment in the IT/ITeS sector had also increased by eight percent to touch 6.3 lakhs, he shared.
The Minister stated that Telangana government was developing Hyderabad Pharma City as the “World’s largest integrated pharma park” to promote domestic manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, besides consolidating the leadership position of India in the pharmaceutical sector.
“Telangana has already built the world’s largest lift irrigation scheme, Kaleshwaram Project, in just 3 years. This is a record in the history of irrigation projects in India,” he said. Over 63 lakh farmers get benefited under the Rythu Bandhu scheme launched by Telangana government and Farmer-friendly initiatives of the Telangana government boosted the agriculture sector in the state.
“A whopping 141 lakh tonnes of paddy had been procured in Telangana Kharif season (2020-21) which is the second-highest share in paddy procurement in the country,” he said.