Telangana IT and Industries Minister KT Rama Rao on Friday expressed support to Skyroot to establish in the State what he claimed as the country's first integrated rocket design, manufacturing and testing facility. KTR, as the minister is popularly known, was the guest of honour at an event organised at T-Hub in Hyderabad to celebrate Skyroot Aerospace's successful launch of Vikram-S rocket. Speaking at the event, he expressed happiness that the facility would be based in Telangana, according to a release from his office.

The Hyderabad-based startup, incubated at T-Hub (a state government initiative for startups), launched India's first private rocket on November 18 . Congratulating the Skyroot team, KTR expressed pride and happiness that a

space tech company from Hyderabad broke all the barriers. The minister further said he would be thrilled to see Hyderabad as the space tech capital of India and noted that the state government already launched a space tech policy, according to the release.

Skyroot Aerospace became the first privately held company in India after the space sector was opened for the private players by the union government in 2020. The Mission unveiled by ISRO Chairman S Somanath has three payloads with two belonging to domestic customers and one from a foreign client. 

The 6-metre tall launch vehicle is one of the world's first few all-composite rockets that has 3-D printed solid thrusters for spin stability of the launch vehicle.
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