Hyderabad: The State Minister KT Rama Rao on Friday issued a legal notice to the State BJP chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar through his lawyer. The legal notice demanded an unconditional apology from the latter but if the latter does not respond to the notice then BJP chief might face defamation case in the court.
It is to mention here that Bandi Sanjay Kumar referring to KTR had tweeted that around 27 intermediate students have died under
the tenure of KTR and his negligence. Responding to this, KTR expressed anger and reteriated Bandi's comment and demanded an apology from the latter at the earliest.
However, thje BJP chief did not respond to KTR's tweet. KTR , in response to Sanjay's silence on Friday sent a legal notice to the latter demanding an unconditional apology and failing which the legal notice stated that a defamation suit will be filed against the latter.