TRS working president and IT Minister KT Rama Rao wondered whether the announcement was just a ruse to divert the country’s attention from the allegations on Modi-Adani corruption nexus in Sri Lanka.
“Was #AgnipathScheme announcement just a ruse to divert India’s attention from #Srilanka allegations on Modi – Adani corruption nexus? #JustAsking (sic)” he questioned on the social media.
He ridiculed the statements being made by the
BJP leaders to defend the scheme and pointed out that a union Cabinet Minister in the BJP-led government at the Centre says that Agnipath scheme can help youth in being employed as drivers, electricians, barbers and washermen.
“Yet another bright BJP leader says he will employ #Agniveers as security guards! And you blame the youth that they don’t understand you Modi ji (sic)?” he asked the Prime Minister.