BRS working president KT Rama Rao lashed out at the Congress government on the implementation of the newly launched four schemes in only one village per mandal on a pilot basis across Telangana as part of a phased rollout.
He questioned whether the Congress came to power with votes of only one village per mandal and whether their election manifesto was applicable to only one village per mandal.
In a statement, he warned that public discontent was growing and people would turn every neglected village into a battleground, signaling public agitations in these villages across the State commencing from Monday.
He demanded that the government implement the promised schemes in all villages on a saturation mode or people would boycott the Congress leaders in all villages.
Following an announcement by Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka, Rama Rao charged the Congress government with setting multiple deadlines for implementation of the welfare schemes, but delaying repeatedly, and ultimately deceiving the people of the State.
He said neither during the election campaign nor until yesterday (Saturday) evening did the government mention implementing schemes in just one village per mandal.
“But today, the ineffective Congress government has started schemes in just one village, deceiving
the entire State’s populace,” he said, questioning the selective implementation of welfare schemes.
The BRS working president criticised that at this rate, the government would take at least 60 years to implement schemes across all villages in Telangana.
“Did you distribute your manifesto in just one village per mandal? Did you promise development for just one village per mandal? Did you seek votes in just one village per mandal? Or did you receive votes from only one village per mandal to get elected?” he asked pointedly.
Rama Rao reminded that people of all villages in the State had elected the Congress government trusting their deceptive promises. He remarked that the Congress promised “everything for everyone” during the elections.
“Now it is ‘some schemes for a few people.’ Telangana’s four crore people will not forgive this hypocrisy and deceit,” he cautioned.
He went on to criticise the Congress government for its “piecemeal approach” to governance. Referring to the one-year tenure of the Congress, he stated that people were not disillusioned by the false promises of the Congress and its repeated betrayal.
While the BRS was prepared to wait another four years in the opposition, he felt that people are not ready to tolerate the deceitful Congress government.