BRS working president KT Rama Rao launched a scathing attack on Congress senior leader Rahul Gandhi, accusing the party of deceiving the people of Telangana with false promises and failed governance. In a fiery statement, he questioned the credibility of the Congress’s latest campaign promises, particularly its ‘Nyay’ (justice) initiative of Lok Sabha election manifesto, against the backdrop of its dismal track record in Telangana.

“Rahul Gandhi ji, Congress juggled in the name of six guarantees during the Assembly elections. In the Parliament elections, you now raised curtains for new drama in the name of ‘Nyay’ (justice)? Who will believe in Nyay of the Congress which has done great injustice to Telangana?” he remarked, highlighting the apparent hypocrisy of the Congress’s electoral rhetoric.

Describing the Congress’s tenure as a ‘full of failed promises and lies’, Rama Rao accused the party of betraying the trust of the people who had voted for them. He condemned the Congress for aggravating the plight of farmers and weavers, leading to an alarming increase in suicides and economic hardships across the


“Under the ineffective rule of the Congress, the farmers are losing their crops without irrigation water. Farmers are falling deep in debt due to delay in implementation of crop loan waiver. People of Telangana are struggling for drinking water. Women are angry at your deceptive assurances,” the BRS working president asserted, emphasising the dire consequences of Congress’s governance failures.

Rama Rao challenged Rahul Gandhi to address the pressing issues faced by Telangana, including the agricultural crisis and the neglect of marginalised communities like weavers. He criticised the Congress’s proposed caste census as a hollow gesture, unlikely to resonate with voters who got disillusioned by the party’s empty promises.

“Telangana has understood that if you vote for the Congress, they will be duped again. It has become clear that vote for the Congress, will put all the sectors into a crisis and people will be left in the lurch. People will teach a befitting lesson to the Congress which failed to deliver its promises within assured 100 days,” he said, pointing out the growing dissatisfaction with the Congress’s governance in the State.
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