Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy claiming to have asked the police to arrest L&T CFO R Shankar Raman and put him in prison, for blaming the Congress government’s free bus ride for women resulting in low metro commuters, has not gone well among the Hyderabad’s business groups.
Highlighting the issue, BRS working president KT Rama Rao condemned the remarks and wondered what message was Revanth Reddy sending to the industry fraternity with such frivolous statements.
The Chief Minister made these remarks while participating in a national debate organised by a Hindi news channel in Delhi recently. When the anchor pointed out that the Congress government’s free bus ride scheme had adverse impact on the metro rail, quoting
an L&T official, Revanth Reddy stated that he had asked the police to imprison the official.
Reacting to the remarks, KT Rama Rao stated that as Revanth Reddy had experienced jail life after being caught red-handed with a bag of cash, he seemed to want everyone else to experience the same.
“Which Chief Minister, in his right mind, would openly and callously threaten the CFO of a reputed organisation like L&T with jail time simply for voicing an opinion on a government scheme that impacted their organisation?” he asked.
He went on to question the reasons for making such statements and asked whether this was the disruptive strategy of Congress Lok Sabha leader Rahul Gandhi to woo investments.