TRS working president and IT Minister KT Rama Rao took to social media and gave a fresh spin to the BJP-led NDA’s abbreviation, terming it as ‘No Data Available’ government.
After the Centre announced in Parliament on Wednesday that it had no data on farmers who died during the farm laws protests across the country, Rama Rao ridiculed the response of the NDA government to several questions raised in the Parliament over a period of time. He listed out numerous instances when the NDA government claimed that it had no data to address certain pressing issues over the last few sessions of
In a tweet, he said: “The NDA had no data of healthcare staff and migrant workers who died during Covid-19, MSMEs which were closed and job loss during the pandemic.” He also pointed out the NDA government had no data on beneficiaries of Rs 20 lakh crore package announced by the Union government after the Covid pandemic in order to give a push to the economic.
The TRS working president pointed out that the BJP had no data on farmers who died during the agitation over a period of more than one year.