BRS working president KT Rama Rao said Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy lacked a ‘Telangana soul’ and respect for the State, due to which he hurt the self-esteem of Telangana with his recent remarks in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He lamented that unfortunately, Telangana was now being headed by a Chief Minister like Revanth Reddy who did not value Telangana’s self-respect and pride.

In a strong rebuttal to the Chief Minister’s statements, Rama Rao drew sharp contrast between the ‘Golmal Gujarat Model’ with ‘Golden Telangana Model’.

He questioned the Chief Minister’s preference for the communal ‘Godhra Riots’ model over the inclusive and harmonious ‘Ganga Jamuna Tehzeeb’ model.

Highlighting the irony, he pointed out the abrupt shift of Revanth Reddy from criticising the Gujarat

model one day to praising it the next day upon being offered a seat next to Modi.

The BRS working president emphasised the importance of Telangana model for its comprehensive and integrated approach to welfare and inclusive development. The Telangana model had garnered praise from many States and was appreciated by the entire country for its rapid progress within a short span after its formation.

Revanth Reddy, on the other hand, had insulted Telangana activists by aiming his rifle at them during the Telangana Statehood movement and now, was insulting the self-esteem of the State. He warned that history would not forgive such actions, asserting that Telangana could endure any challenges but would not tolerate attacks on its self-respect. The BRS had raised Telangana’s self-respect to the skies, but the Congress was attempting to bury it underground.
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