Election Authority and GHMC Commissioner DS Lokesh Kumar directed the nodal officers to set up circle-wise flying squads and static surveillance teams in the respective circles. These teams should be formed immediately and the details have to be sent to law department for authorising magisterial powers.

Similarly, the DMCs and ACPs have to prepare route maps as identification of polling stations is almost completed.

During a meeting with police and other officials here on Wednesday, he instructed the officials to initiate the process of identifying sensitive, highly sensitive and vulnerable polling stations. Further, the identification of Distribution and Reception centres is already completed and with the help of police, the exercise of barricading these centers should be

taken up, he said.

“Permission for conduct of political rallies and meetings will be issued by the Deputy Commissioners and ACPs concerned,” said Kumar.

Hyderabad Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar said this time ballot papers were being used for the forthcoming GHMC elections and with the prevailing Covid-19 pandemic, the polling personal should be more vigilant.

Joint Police Commissioner Tarun Joshi has been appointed as Nodal Officer for GHMC elections. In the next few days, there will be online training classes for the police personnel, he said.

Rachakonda Police Commissioner Mahesh Bhagwat, GHMC Zonal Commissioners, DMCs and other officials participated in the meeting, said a press release.

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