Chief Minister Putting an end to drought conditions in Telangana permanently, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao dedicated the Mallannasagar reservoir, which was constructed as part of the multi-purpose Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation Scheme (KLIS) fourth link, to the people of the State on Wednesday. He performed a special puja at the reservoir before releasing the Godavari water into Mallannasagar from Tukkapur Surge Pool.
Addressing the gathering of elected representatives on the occasion, the Chief Minister said several anti-progressive forces filed court cases and tried to stall the project, but failed. In projects of such magnitude, displacements are bound to be, he said, adding that though painful, several villages which were facing submergence had to be evacuated to facilitate timely completion of the KLIS. “The State government implemented the best ever relief and rehabilitation package for the displaced families,” he pointed out.
“We must ensure that the oustees are well settled in their resettlement villages. The government is willing to spend another Rs 100 crore to implement special schemes to compensate as well as provide employment to the displaced families,” he added. He said the project would end the drinking water woes of Hyderabad permanently.
He informed that it would take three years for the entire project to reach its full storage capacity of 50 TMCft as per the Central Water Commission guidelines. Currently, about 10.64 TMCft water is available in Mallannasagar reservoir which will receive another 5.5 TMCft in a few days. Another 15.5 TMCft water will be added during the next monsoon.
Chandrashekhar Rao termed the inaugural ceremony as a historic event that could be realised after overcoming numerous hurdles. He thanked all the officers, engineers, employees and over 58,000
workers who worked for the completion of the project, even after their retirement braving the court cases and other hurdles.
He appreciated Harish Rao who was the then Irrigation Minister, for working hard to ensure that the project was completed without corruption, red-tapism, and administrative delays as well as keeping the entire team motivated.
The Chief Minister assured that the construction of various irrigation schemes with a total storage capacity of 70 TMCft in erstwhile Mahabubnagar district including Palamuru-Rangareddy Lift Irrigation Scheme would also be completed. He also promised timely completion of the Sitarama project in Khammam and Sammakka Sagar (Devadula) project in the erstwhile Warangal district.
Chandrashekhar Rao asked the Irrigation officials to examine, redesign and strengthen or reconstruct the sluices at Kondapochamma Sagar which appear to be mildly weak and could have long-term implications.
“Once the full capacity is reached, there could be buckling. As the contractor is at fault, he should be held responsible for its completion,” he said. He also wanted the officials to fill all minor irrigation projects and tanks using water from the lift irrigation projects before summer.
He reminded that water seeping out of Mid Manair project as part of the pressure-relieving mechanism a few months ago was mistaken to be on account of a weak bund. Some people, with no technical knowledge, created a panic that the bund was going to collapse, he said. He advised the Opposition parties to observe how the State has progressed over the past seven years in agriculture, irrigation, and power supply among others as well as taking note of increasing land prices before making baseless allegations against the government.